Climbing the Ficus Tree in Costa Rica’s cloud forest town of Monteverde

What is this mysterious tree and why does everybody on the tourist trail talk about it? 

Well, it is a parasite. It latches onto a ‘host’ tree (much like our beloved, Christmas garnish, mistletoe) and feeds off it’s water and nutrients, slowly growing around it, strengthening and maturing. After years of theft, the Ficus drains the life of its victim, which eventually dies. 
The host tree disintegrates. The ficus remains. Self sufficient and hollow. 

Such a blood-thirsty tree exists near the town of Monteverde. You just have to find it.  

Take note – this is the coolest, ‘activity’, Sam and I did in Costa Rica, and it is one hundred percent free.  

With our hostel’s in-depth, hand drawn map in hand, (we stayed at Monteverde Backpackers, it was comfortable, clean and they had an abundance of kitchen facilities. I highly recommend it), we had a rough idea of where we needed to go to reach the entrance to the forest; but there are no physical signs pointing you to the tree’s location. Luckily, I took a photo of the opening and drew a helpful arrow to show future travellers where to go: 

The clearing is pretty much directly opposite the Cloud Forest Lodge. Simple. 

As you make your way through the trees, be aware that you will come across ‘younger’ ficuses that have just started their journey to adulthood, gorging their way around a doomed host tree. These are not ready for you to climb. The beast you’re looking for is marked with a pink ribbon near its base. 

Pink ribbon attached to a tree nearby

This is the forest, sap-sucking, vampire you’re looking for. 

We were there during the low season, so when we arrived, we were the only two souls around. Perfect. Time for a photo shoot. 

Although this didn’t last long. We were too eager to climb the beautifully intricate bark ladder in front of us.  

Setting off up the trunk

We took one backpack between us. Necessary items, such as cameras, phones and a selfie stick, were thrown into it, while unnessary items like, water and raincoats, were discarded near the base. Sam kindly agreed to take it with her, as I am ever so slightly (cough, understatement) claustrophobic, and would have completely freaked out trying to squeeze myself through the final twists and turns towards the top of the tree.  

Sam went first, sussing out the situation. The tree itself is like a natural ladder. But some ‘steps’ are a bit steeper than others, so you need to be very aware of where you place each foot, especially when coming down.  

I’m not going to place a fluffy shroud over it by saying it is easy, because the last few hoists and heaves up through the trunk are quite strenuous. You need to have an indoor rock-climbing head on. You really need to think carefully about how to distort your body and where to place your feet in order to drag yourself up through the narrow passage.

Near the top of the tree

So the best part about this adventure, is that you don’t have to enjoy it solo. Once you’re at the top, as long as you are extremely careful, a couple of you can step out of the tunnel, and onto the canopy. I reckon you could fit three or four people up there at the most. As there was only two of us, and my travel buddy, Morgan Bear, who, as per usual, gets a free ride in the backpack, we were able to take some awesome photos of us enjoying the views of the valley over the treetops.  

Standing on top of the canopy

You don’t need a guide, you don’t need a harness, you don’t need to pay hundreds of dollars, you simply need to be fearless of heights and know how to climb. It’s like regressing back to your childhood instinct of, ‘I could totally get up there’. Granted, when you’re a kid, you often get stuck and need the help of your dad to get you down, but not this time. 

Admiring the Ficus from the terra-firma

Again, Sam went first, assessing the path ahead. Barking (excuse the pun) instructions to stop me panicking. And together, we did it. We reached terra firma, retrieved our belongings and gave a quick, friendly briefing, to a couple waiting patiently at the bottom. 

I mean, it’s not difficult to achieve, but when you’re in the middle of the forest, by yourselves, you can’t help but think about the accidents that could happen as you haul your way up through the middle of a phantom tree. But once you get past that initial fear, it is the coolest thing you can do in Costa Rica. 

All smiles after the adventure

And I repeat. It is free. 

If you do one thing in this adrenaline filled country, (and you won’t, you’ll do much more), do this.  

Just make sure you have travel insurance. 
This post was completed in Sugar Cane Hostel in Medellín, Colombia. It was written to the sound of city birds and the odd spot of traffic.

Peru to Ecuador via La Tina border crossing

If, like me, you want to overland to Ecuador from Peru, but you can’t find any concrete information regarding the journey, don’t panic. It has come to my attention that there are crucial facts missing from guidebooks and the internet; concrete directions on transferring from one bus to another, for example.  

I have written this blog to try to iron out some of the misleading/outdated/hazy information online. It is a guide that will take you from Peru, via the La Tina border, and straight to Loja in Ecuador. 

I started my journey in Lima. You might be starting further North, but the route is essentially the same. First of all, you need to get yourself to Piura. 

Side note: If you plan to overland via Tumbes and head to Guayaquil in Ecuador, this is not the right information for you.

So my intended route was: Lima – Piura – Loja. This all seemed simple enough on paper, but catching a bus from Lima is a bit of a minefield, as there are so many different terminals. You can’t simply walk to a main station and check timetables. I found that the best way to search for a bus, was to use the Bus Portal website. It is not always the cheapest option, but in Lima, it’s the definitely the easiest. I chose to go with Oltursa and to leave from Gran Terminal Terrestre Plaza Norte. I advise that you use Uber in Lima, as it is much cheaper than the transfers booked in hostels or taxis on the street. 

It is possible to go from Lima to Loja without having to stay in Piura overnight, you just need to make sure you work with the bus schedule in each place. I found out that there is a bus company in Piura called, Transportes Loja, which leaves around 9:30am, 1pm and 9pm, every day. I chose to take an overnight bus from Lima at 7:30pm, as it would arrive in Piura at 11:30am the following day. Perfect. Plenty of time to get to make the 1pm Tranportes Loja bus. Or so I thought.

I tried to research where this elusive terminal might be, but this is where the conflicting information began, so I decided I would just take a taxi to it, that way I wouldn’t be able to get lost. 

When I arrived in Piura, I checked how far Transportes Loja might be, and she told me it was a 10 minute walk. That was the taxi option out of the question. I made it my mission to find it using my minimal Spanish and awful sense of direction. However, it turned out to be a completely different company to the one I was looking for, and the only bus that served Loja was at 8pm. This was no good, I would have to wait 7 hours for the bus as well as arrive in Loja at 4am. 
Back on the street, I kept asking for the terminal. I finally found someone that sent me to a company called Ronco. Again, I knew this wasn’t what I needed, but I had nothing else to go by, so I followed the directions and took the advice. As was to be expected, no bus to Loja. I asked at the Ronco desk, out of desperation, for Transportes Loja,and they sent me through a door at the back of their waiting room. 

There, in the corner of a little bus depot, was my beloved bus terminal, and I had 30 minutes to spare before the 1pm bus. Success. 

Loja Terminal front desk, to prove that it exists

Screenshot to help you find the correct bus terminal

As you can see from my Google Map, there are quite a few bus terminals in the same area. When you book your bus in Lima, be sure to find out where it’s going to spit you out in Piura so you know how far away you are from the Loja terminal. Also, if you need to ask for directions, locals may call it ‘Loja International’, this is okay too, it should be the same place. If you are worried about being sent to the wrong place, as I was, simply ask for the Ronco terminal. It is on the road called, Loreto Norte and is opposite the Flores bus terminal.

There are little bakeries and shops around this area. I recommend stocking up on an empanada or 2 for the journey to Loja. It is 8 hours and there aren’t really any stops. I think they break once on the other side of the border, but it’s not long enough to get food, so just stock up on snacks before you get on the bus. 

The 1pm bus arrives in Loja around 9pm. Depending on where you’re heading next, will depend on whether or not there is possibility of an onward bus at this time. I wanted to head to Vilcabamba, but all the buses had stopped running, so I walked out of the bus terminal, crossed the road and headed towards some 24 hour accommodation called Hostal Gaviota Azul. A private room with double bed and private bathroom was $15. Perfect when you have been travelling for what feels like a week and you smell like travel (and in my case vomit, as I was victim to some child’s backlash). And only a 2 minute walk from the main bus station. Absolutely perfect. 

So to recap:

  • Catch a bus from Lima to Piura (easy – there’s loads of options on the website I gave you) 
  • Make sure the bus arrives in Piura an hour or so before your next bus 
  • If you need to stay in Piura overnight, there’s a place called Hotel Inca Perú near all the bus terminals. It’s on the road called Tumbes. This is where I received the information about Ronco bus terminal, so they were very helpful. You might have a decent night of rest here. 
  • Catch the bus from Transportes Loja at the back of the Ronco bus terminal on Loreto Norte. 
  • Enjoy the ride from Piura to Loja. The border is nice and easy. There is no fee at this border. 
  • Arrive in Loja and check onward buses or stay overnight. 

It might be an idea, before you head off from Lima or otherwise, to screenshot all the terminals you will need to find. For example, if you type ‘Ronco Piura’, into Google maps, it will definitely come up with the goods.
If you have any questions about my experience of this border crossing, feel free to get in touch or comment on this post.

I really hope this helps.
This post was written to the birdsong surrounding Hostal Izhcayluma in Vilcabamba Ecuador.

Planning and prepping for an adventure

How do you decide where to go? Is it within your budget? What public transport options are available? Will it be dangerous? Can I travel solo? What activities can I do there?

You can take risks and travel smart at the same time. It’s a skill that’s taken a long time to develop and nurture, but I think I’m getting the hang of it. That is, until the next series of mishaps, which let’s face it, are unavoidable. There’s no such thing as perfection in the world of travel.

When we dream about visiting faraway lands, we can sometimes let excitement cloud our judgement. The adrenaline we feel when deciding what plane ticket to buy, can cause us to forget that some trips require a bit more planning than simply bashing your credit card details into the internet. The world is only your ‘oyster’ until something goes wrong.

So with seven countries and six months behind me, it’s time to reflect on where I have been and how I executed my route; and I must be doing something right, because I’m still happy, healthy and bobbing from place to place.

First of all, you need to know that I am guilty of almost skipping Nicaragua. Shocked? In hindsight, I am appalled at myself. 

Here’s my story:

Way back when, in the first quarter of twenty-sixteen, I started researching my trip. I’d purchased my one-way ticket to Toronto and had further plans to visit my friend while he was in Mexico City, so what next? I bought both Lonely Planet’s trusty Central And South America on a Shoestring guidebooks, because that seemed like the natural root from Mexico.

Handy smartphone and tablet friendly PDF copy of Lonely Planet’s Central America on a Shoestring 

“Is it safe?”

“I don’t know, Mum, I haven’t researched yet.”

“Be sensible, Lauren. You’re a single female traveller this time.”

And of course, she was right. Mum normally is.

Cue Facebook message from said parent: You’ve made a typo in your latest blog post. You put ‘normally’ instead of ‘always’. Don’t worry, I’ll let you off.

I instantly plunged into the depths of the internet and googled the logistics of travelling through Latin America. Once I owned those travel books, I was determined.

In the UK, our ‘go-to’ website for this kind of information is the government travel website, as it’s supposed to be accurate and is regularly updated. Most of the countries seemed to throw up the usual issues, such as petty crimes, mugging, drug trafficking etc. ‘Exercise caution as you would at home’. But Nicaragua appeared to showcase a few more issues than this, so many in fact, that I didn’t bother reading the majority of the negative essays attached to each link. So I promised that I wouldn’t go; I intended to pass straight through and head to Costa Rica.

Upon starting my journey through Central America, as is to be expected, I met many backpackers that had commenced their travels as far South as Panama, and were making their way to Mexico. In the cosy common areas of hostels, we would share our experiences and offer lists composed of our near-future wanderlust plans. Every time I mentioned skipping Nicaragua, I received many different reactions, the only element they had in common was negativity.

“But why?”

“You can’t, it’s amazing.”

“You’ll be missing so much!”

I felt the excitement for my chosen route diminish. Rapidly. I pleaded with these like-minded free spirits; “but it isn’t safe, right? Especially for a lone female traveler? Isn’t there too much unrest? Too much crime?” Again, those disapproving looks.

Loaded with new information and stories of golden experiences, I battled with my inner-being. Do I stay on track, or do I cut my planned two weeks of diving in Honduras? Should I set foot in a completely unknown (I hadn’t even bothered reading the Nicaraguan section of the guidebook) and previously off-limits land? Do I break my promise?

I broke my promise.

Carrying a plank of wood up a volcano in Nicaragua. Why? Blog post to follow…

Like a kitten with a saucer of milk, I drank the precious knowledge in the Lonely Planet and roughly planned a route through the country.

“Mum, I’ve decided to see Nicaragua.”

“But it’s not safe.”

“It’s fine, there’s hundreds of backpackers doing it, I’ve met loads of them.”

Traditional Nicaraguan dancing. Both performers are men

I can’t quite remember how I convinced her, I’m not sure if I ever did, not until I was on the other side, travelling to Costa Rica.

“Your photos are amazing, I might look into visiting Nicaragua.”

“You definitely should, Mum, it’s breathtaking.”

The food is pretty breathtaking too

In non-scientific, completely opinion-based conclusion, what I’m trying to stress here, is not that we should ignore travel advice, or rush off around the world without a thought for personal safety, but we should definitely be more open-minded about where we plan to leave our footprints.

Artisan bus shop at Zopilote Eco Village on Isla de Ometepe, Nicaragua

Here’s what I’ve learnt:

  • Read the ‘dangers and annoyances’ sections of guidebooks. They are written by travel experts for a reason.
  • Read blogs and get a snapshot of other people’s experiences.
  • Make and share your own opinions. If you go to a country and you don’t feel safe, leave.
  • As much as I value the UK government website, I recommend using with caution. I’m probably going to put it in my, ‘things to be aware of’, pile of notes, rather than make a decision based purely on this information.
  • Use your common sense.
  • Be aware of world affairs.

Nicaragua has so far turned out to be my favourite Central American country. I did not feel threatened or out of my depth, the people are very friendly and helpful, and the public transport is easy to navigate. If you do not know any Spanish, you can rock up to a bus station, say your destination in a questioning tone, and someone will definitely point you in the right direction. Of course you still need to have your wits about you, but this probably applies in your own country, too; so why would you let your guard down anywhere else?

Enjoying a sleepy chicken bus ride with the locals

This post was written to the deep base of semi-rap/hip-hop/Caribbean mix of music in Roadshack Deli in Uvita, Costa Rica. I ordered a veggie burger with a mix of potato, yuka, and plantain fries. I left the bun.

Diving, diving and more diving – choosing a school and other logistics

Why didn’t I actually explore Honduras? One word. Diving. Really? Is it that obvious? 

Two and a half years ago, my travel partner, Sam, and I booked our PADI Open Water course on the Thai island of Koh Tao. We loved it so much that we also completed the Advanced course. This has equipped us with the skills to be able to dive up to thirty metres in depth.  

The poster for Dreamgate’s cenote near Tulum Mexico. The hardest cenote to navigate. 

A couple of years on, and I proudly have thirty-two dives under my belt, ten of which were in the cenote caverns near Tulum in Mexico. Quite the achievement for someone that suffers from claustrophobia.

Me diving in a cenote

So what is that draws us to the dangerous impossible world below the depths of the ocean? The keyword here is ‘impossible’. Because impossible it is not. Not anymore. Modern day dive equipment is lightweight, (let’s forget about the oxygen tank for now…) streamline, and with professional yearly servicing, safe. The bottom line is, humans are not meant to breathe underwater, but with the combination of science and technology, we have access to a calming, tranquil environment, and the ability to observe the bizarre creatures that share the planet’s treasures with us.

Carwash – my favourite cenote

Entrance to Dreamgate

Diving can be an expensive hobby. It requires a range of equipment that is not compact and not really fit for travel. Here’s a list of the basics you need to dive:

  • BCD (Bouyancy Control Device)
  • Regulator
  • Mask (with snorkel)
  • Fins
  • Wetsuit or drysuit (temperature depending)
  • Weight belts and weights
  • Oxygen tank

That’s quite the list, right? And that’s assuming you’re simply fun diving with a dive master to guide you. They will have other added extras equipped, such as a dive computer (this looks like a big waterproof watch) to monitor depth, time and navigation.

Oxygen tanks on our dive boat

So how exactly are we able to freely access this sport? Renting of course! The equipment is often included in the price when you book your fun dives or courses, but this is not always the case, so be sure to check. Even though it’s unnecessary for you to have your own gear, it is recommended that you purchase your own mask. There is nothing worse than not being able to find one that fits your face. An ill-fitting mask can lead to water leakage and an uncomfortable dive experience. It’s not much fun when your spectacles are too foggy or you have to keep stopping to clear them of flooding.

So you’re in a new coastal town and there’s a vast array of dive centres to choose from. Take your time to shop around. Check their online reviews, prices and photos. Go in and talk to them directly. Ask to see the equipment. Sometimes, it’s better and safer to pay more for your dives if the rental gear looks well maintained. You could even go as far as discussing the different dive sites they will take you to and what you might be able to see.

Sometimes, it simply pays to go with the cheapest option around, and after spending over $600 on ten fun dives in Tulum’s cenotes, I was looking for a bit of light relief on the purse strings.

As recommended by many, the island of Utila, an hour’s boats ride North of Honduras, is one of the cheapest places in the world to learn and enjoy diving. After extensive research online and a number of emails requesting prices/details, I chose the least expensive dive centre on the island. $210 for ten fun dives with five nights of accommodation and free use of their kayaks and snorkelling equipment. They even gave me an additional night free as I had nowhere to stay when I arrived. This awesome place is called Paradise Divers. It is conveniently located right next to the dock, so I didn’t even need to haul my backpack any further than a few hundred metres. Always a travel bonus.

View of Paradise from the ferry 

It was low season when I arrived, so the centre was very quiet, but they were still putting on a big barbecue for all their friends that night and had invited the diving guests. I instantly felt welcome. In a three bed dorm, I had the room to myself for the entire week. Just in front of the reception was a common area with tables and benches for you to eat, socialise, or more importantly, crack open a bottle of post-dive beer. We also had our own dock where the dive boat was moored. I loved being able to sit on the front of the boat at night and look up at the stars, feeling the gentle sway of the vessel, dreaming about what I would see among the reefs the following day.

Fabulous fresh meat on a makeshift barbecue

Every morning, a fisherman would use our dock to sell his freshly caught tuna to the locals. I bought a pound of fully filleted tuna for the equivalent of £1.77! I ate like a backpacking queen for two nights in a row.

Our friendly local fisherman at the dock

The best part of my day was talking to my dive master, Negro, after a morning of exploring Utila’s plentiful reefs. He would excitedly sit beside me with a marine book, specific to the area, and point out all the sea life we’d encountered. His oozing passion inspired me to compose a list (see next blog post for said list, and my own, ‘National Geographic’ worthy, photography) so that I never forget the names of each fish, shrimp or eel that we were lucky enough to meet.

Dive Master, Negro, blowing bubbles

I will forever sing the praises for Paradise Divers and will recommend them to everyone. Yes, the equipment is mis-matched and a bit tired but it is in full working order, and it just made me more aware of completing checks to make sure I would be diving safely. Using top notch equipment all the time doesn’t make the best diver out of you. If you’re serious about the sport, and want to explore a career option, you need to be able to recognise signs of equipment failure, learn about servicing and know how to respond in case of an emergency.

Fellow diver, Logan, with instructor, Juli. Logan passed his Open Water Certification that day

Admittedly, when I was researching Utila’s abundance of dive schools, I was almost put off by a terrible review on trip advisor. I read it a couple of times and decided that the author was probably over-reacting; it was titled, ‘Almost Died’, which, under the expertise of the staff, I know would never have happened. So I took a chance and booked my ten fun dives with them. The day before I got to Utila, I met a couple from England that had steered clear of Paradise due to the same review.

Clara from Paradise, showing me the beautiful reefs that Utila has to offer

Please think carefully when writing your opinions online as they can be really damaging for a company, especially those smaller struggling business. If you have a genuine concern about a service, try to speak to the manager/owners directly, before tarnishing their reputation on the internet. We don’t want to live in a world of Monopoly do we? We want to live in a world of choice, fairness, and sustainable tourism.

This post was written in El Tostador, a café in the centre of San José, Costa Rica. Their double espressos are like liquid gold. I had a breakfast of huevos revueltos con tostadas y guanabana batidos en agua (scrambled eggs with toasts and a soursop smoothie with water).

So what did I see below Utila’s ocean surface?

I wasn’t able to get a lasting image of everything I saw, so I’ll tag a link to the World Wide Web where there is no personal photography. 

The content description of each photo can be found directly below it.

Parrot Fish – difficult to get a photo of these fish because as soon as they see you, they bolt.

Mangrove Upsidedown Jellyfish – you can lift this guy up and watch the many tentacles wriggle around as it makes its way back to the seabed.

Flamingo Tounge (mollusc) – I have some very blurred photos of these, but they’re not WordPress worthy in my opinion.

Pederson Cleaner Shrimp – it took me about eight dive attempts to get a decent photo of these shrimps, they’re so tiny that the camera never seemed to be able to focus on them.

Scarlet-Striped Cleaner Shrimp – these are the kinds of shrimp you might find on sale in your local pet store.

Giant Hermit Crab – this crustacean has a pretty impressive house on its back.

Channel Clinging Crab – this guy would look really great on a plate with some home cooked sweet potato wedges. What? Who said that?

Caribbean Spiny Lobster – I do have a picture of this particular lobster but he’s hiding, so you can only see his, ‘whiskers’, as I like to call them.

Spotted Spiny Lobster – we saw a couple of these during our night dive when they’re most active. The light from the torches made it seem like they were emitting neon blue lights from the surface of their shells. Our own underwater silent disco.

Squirrelfish – these are everywhere among Uvita’s reefs, but for some reason, I don’t have a photograph.

Lionfish – these fish are beautiful, and deadly. I remember seeing my first one in Thailand. We were warned not to go near it because of the poison in its spines. We left it be. However, in Honduras, lionfish are not a welcome species. They started appearing and rapidly breeding, creating an imbalance in the marine life. They prey on a plethora the smaller fish that reside on the reef. Divers in Utila have permission to kill any lionfish that they see. I had a delightful lionfish ceviche while I was on the island.

Spotted Drum – this little critter would not sit still for its photo. They sort of wiggle  rather than swim, their long fins reminded me of a flag in the wind.

Frog fish – I did not have my GoPro with me during this dive because the casing kept flooding. The whole dive team were excited about spotting a frog fish, because they are virtually impossible to see. They are often completely camouflaged with their surroundings. They’re quite the ugly looking specimen, too.

Spotted Scorpionfish – please ignore the quality of this image. I have now purchased red filters for my GoPro so I can take brighter and more colourful snaps.

Spiny Flounder – can you spot it?! I hope so, it’s one of my better, non-blurry, images.

Shortfin Pipefish – again, excuse the blur. And I promise you this is not a stick.

Longsnout Seahorse – we were fortunate enough to see three of these beautiful creatures. An orange one, a yellow one and a black one, two of which were pregnant. 

Porcupinefish – I always look at these fish and think they just look super angry.

Sharpnose Puffer – do not eat me! I’m highly poisonous.

Smooth Trunkfish – these were also quite difficult to catch on camera, but they’re pretty much everywhere around Utila so I had lots of opportunities. This was my best snap out of about thirty.

Black Grouper – these fish look big and angry, but they’re harmless. Well the one we encountered was.

Trumpetfish – we saw lots of these, and the sign language underwater is literally the motion of playing a trumpet. Simple is effective.

Barracuda – I saw some small barracuda in Thailand, but the one we found in Utila was much bigger.

Brown Garden Eels – look closely to the rear of the image and you’ll spot them. These eels are hilarious. Their bodies are buried below the sand and they poke their heads out above the bed. It’s quite difficult to take a photo of them because as soon as you approach, they disappear; like they’re being sucked into the earth. They made me laugh out loud. Is this even possible underwater? I’ve added a link to this description, too, as someone has managed to sneak a lot closer than I.

Green Moray – these are amazing to watch. They snake their bodies in and around the coral, so you can normally only see their heads. I managed to find one that was completely exposed; a real treat.

Spotted Eagle Ray – this was one of our best dives. We didn’t just see one Eagle Ray, we found three, swimming together, which is apparently quite unusual. Such a lucky day.

Southern Stingray – unfortunately I don’t have a photo of this beautiful creature, and I am gutted, because rays are my favourite ocean dweller. Nevermind, next time.

Hawksbill Turtle – fortunately, I had my GoPro with me during this dive. I’ve seen so many photos of sea turtles on other people’s social media and have always been jealous. So I’ve finally seen one in the wild, with my own eyes.

Gray Angelfish – I really liked taking pictures of the Angelfish. This one quietly swam around and ignored me rather than bolting as soon as it sensed my presence.

Sergeant Major – these fish would often shoal around the boat, so I took a quick snap before surfacing. 

Chain Moray Eel – I got quite close to this eel, but when we surfaced I was told that it could have snapped the camera straight out of my hand. Oops!

Nurse Shark – I saw this amazing creature on my birthday. It was the best dive and the best present ever. Again, forgetting about all aspects of personal safety, I tried to get as close as possible for the best photo, and it paid off, kind of. I’ll add a link to this one so you can see it in its full glory.

Bearded Toadfish – this guy was so camouflaged that the camera wouldn’t focus on him, good old modern technology was more interested in the background coral.

Caribbean Reef Squid – we spotted this shoal of Squid just as we were about to surface, so we hung around to watch them swim around the bottom of the boat. As we hovered, the squid, in perfect unison, all turned to look at us. It was very bizarre and eerie. Nobody knew how to react. Luckily, they just swam on their way.

Banded Coral Shrimp – it is easier to see these during a night dive because the light from the torches makes their eyes light up in the dark. A bit like a cat in headlights.

This blog post was written among the gentle buzz of the relaxing Tucan Hotel atmosphere in Uvita, Costa Rica.